Source code for clingraph.tex

Graphviz integration to generate latex

from .utils import apply
    import dot2tex
except ImportError:
    raise RuntimeError("dot2tex module has to be installed to export to tex") from None

def _to_tex(g, **kwargs):
    Gets the source of a graphviz object
    return dot2tex.dot2tex(g.source, **kwargs)

[docs]def tex(graphs, **kwargs): """ Generates the latex code for the graphs Args: graphs (dic|list[dic]): A dictionary of graphviz objects where the keys are the graph names. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. **kwargs: Any additional arguments passed to dot2tex ``dot2tex()`` function Returns: (dic|list[dic]) The dictionary or list with a string containing the latex code instead of the graphviz objects. """ return apply(graphs, _to_tex, **kwargs)