Source code for clingraph.graphviz

Graphviz functionality
import os
import logging
import networkx as nx
from graphviz import Graph, Digraph
from clingo.symbol import SymbolType
from .utils import apply
log = logging.getLogger('custom')

def _nest_graphs(fb, all_graphs):
    Nests all_graphs by assigning subgraphs to graphs

        fb (Factbase): The Factbase
        all_graphs (dict): Dictionary of all the graphs to be nested
    nested_graphs = {}
    graphs_ids = fb.get_all_graphs()
    parents_dic = {}
    for g_id in graphs_ids:
        g_name = str(g_id).strip('"')
        g = all_graphs[g_name]
        parent_id = fb.get_parent_graph(g_id)
        parent_name = str(parent_id).strip('"')
        parents_dic[g_name] = parent_name

    nx_g = nx.DiGraph(parents_dic.items())
    final_order = list(nx.topological_sort(nx_g))

    for g_name in final_order:
        if g_name == 'None':
        parent_name = parents_dic[g_name]
        g = all_graphs[g_name]
        if parent_name == 'None':
            nested_graphs[g_name] = g
        g_parent = all_graphs[parent_name] = 'cluster_'

    return nested_graphs

def _compute_graphs_single_fb(fb, graphviz_type = 'graph',seed=None):
    Compute the graphs for the factbase.
    It creates a Graphviz instance for each graph defined by the facts.
    Graphs can then be obtained by name using the method :py:meth:`get_graphviz`.
        fb (:class:`Factbase`): A :class:`Factbase` to generate the graphviz objects.
        graphviz_type (str): The type of graph ``graph`` for ``graphviz.Graph`` and ``digraph`` for ``graphviz.Digraph``
        seed (int): A number used as seed
    graphs = fb.get_all_graphs()
    all_graphs = {}
    for g in graphs:
        if graphviz_type == 'graph':
            GraphClass = Graph
            GraphClass = Digraph
        graph = GraphClass() = str(g).strip('"')

        graph.node_attr = fb.get_graph_global_element_attr("node", g)
        graph.edge_attr = fb.get_graph_global_element_attr("edge", g)
        graph_attr = {"start":seed} if seed is not None else {}
        graph_attr.update(fb.get_element_attr("graph", g))
        graph.graph_attr = graph_attr

        elements = ["node", "edge"]
        for e_type in elements:
            element_ids = fb.get_graph_elements(e_type, g)
            for e in element_ids:
                attr = fb.get_element_attr(e_type, e)
                if e_type == 'node':
                    graph.node(str(e).strip('"'), **attr)
                    if e.symbol.type != SymbolType.Function or len(e.symbol.arguments) < 2:
                        msg =f"Edge predicate ignore edge({str(e)}). Identifiers must be tupples"

                                str(e.symbol.arguments[1]).strip('"'), **attr)

        all_graphs[] = graph

    graphs = _nest_graphs(fb, all_graphs)
    return graphs

[docs]def compute_graphs(fb, graphviz_type = 'graph', seed=None): """ Computes graphs using Graphviz for the given factbase Args: fb (list[:class:`Factbase`] | :class:`Factbase`): A :class:`Factbase` to generate the graphviz objects. If a list is passed, each element is cosidered as the Factbase for a stable model. graphviz_type (str): The type of graph ``graph`` for ``graphviz.Graph`` and ``digraph`` for ``graphviz.Digraph`` seed (int): A number used as seed """ is_multi_model = isinstance(fb,list) if not is_multi_model: fb = [fb] result = [] for f in fb: if f is None: result.append(None) else: result.append(_compute_graphs_single_fb(f,graphviz_type=graphviz_type,seed=seed)) if not is_multi_model: return result[0] return result
def _render_single_graph(graph, directory, format,engine,view, name_format=None): """ Render a graphviz object Args: graph (str): A graphviz object directory (str): Where to save the object format (str): The format for the output ``pdf``, ``png`` or ``svg`` name_format (str): The format for the name **kwargs: Any additional arguments passed to graphviz ``render()`` function Returns: str: The path where the image was saved """ #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin assert isinstance(graph,(Graph,Digraph)) file_name = name_format file_path = os.path.join( directory, f"{file_name}.{format}") graph.engine = engine graph.render( format=format, directory=directory, filename=file_name, # engine=engine, view=view, cleanup=True) return file_path
[docs]def render(graphs, directory="out", format="pdf", name_format=None,engine='dot',view=False): """ Render the given graphviz graphs that where computed using :func:`compute_graphs`. Args: graphs (dic|list[dic]): A dictionary of graphviz objects where the keys are the graph names. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. directory (str): Where to save the object format (str): The format for the output ``pdf``, ``png`` or ``svg`` name_format (str): The format for the name. engine (str): Engine used for the layout view (bool): If the rendered files will be oppend Returns: [dic | list[dic]]: A dictionary with the paths where the images where saved as values for each graph. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. """ #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return apply(graphs, _render_single_graph, directory=directory, format=format, name_format=name_format, engine=engine, view=view)
[docs]def dot(graphs): """ Gets the source string in dot language for the graphs Args: graphs (dic|list[dic]): A dictionary of graphviz objects where the keys are the graph names. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. """ return apply(graphs, lambda g: g.source)