Source code for clingraph.gif

Graphviz integration to generate gifs

import os
import logging
from .graphviz import render
    import imageio.v2 as imageio
    import numpy
except ImportError:
    raise RuntimeError("imageio module has to be installed to save gifs") from None
    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
    raise RuntimeError("pillow module has to be installed to save gifs") from None
log = logging.getLogger('custom')

[docs]def save_gif(graphs, directory='out', name_format="movie", engine="dot", fps=1, sort="asc-str"): """ Generates a gif for the given graphs Args: graphs (dic|list[dic]): A dictionary of graphviz objects where the keys are the graph names. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. directory (str): Path to the directory where to write name_format (str): The file name for the gif can include `{model_number}` engine (str): The engine used for rendering fps (int): The number of frames per second sort (str): How to sort the images used to generate the gif ``asc-str`` Sort ascendent based on the graph name, ``desc-str`` Sort descendent based on the graph name, ``asc-int`` Sort descendent based on the graph name converted to an interger, ``desc-int`` Sort descendent based on the graph name converted to an integer, ``name1,...,namex`` A string with the order of the graph names separated by `,` Returns: [dic | list[dic]]: A dictionary with the paths where the gifss where saved as values for each graph. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. """ is_multi = isinstance(graphs,list) if not is_multi: graphs = [graphs] images_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'images') img_name_format = 'gif_image_{graph_name}_{model_number}' render(graphs, directory = images_dir, format="png", engine=engine, name_format=img_name_format) all_keys = [] for graph in graphs: if graph is None: all_keys.append(None) continue keys = list(graph.keys()) if sort in ["asc-str","asc-int","desc-str","desc-int",]: l_key = str if sort[-3:] == 'str' else int l_reverse = sort[:3] == 'desc' keys.sort(key = l_key, reverse = l_reverse) ordered_keys = keys else: ordered_keys = sort.split(',') for k in ordered_keys: if not k in keys: raise ValueError(f"Invalid graph name in sort: {k}") all_keys.append(ordered_keys) paths = [] for model_n,graph in enumerate(graphs): if graph is None: continue name = name_format.replace('{graph_name}','movie').replace('{model_number}',str(model_n)) gif_path = os.path.join(directory, f'{name}.gif') images = [] max_x = 0 max_y = 0 for k in all_keys[model_n]: img_path = img_name_format.replace('{graph_name}',k) img_path = img_path.replace('{model_number}',str(model_n))+".png" img_arr = imageio.imread(os.path.join(images_dir, img_path),mode="RGBA") x,y,_ = img_arr.shape max_x = x if x>max_x else max_x max_y = y if y>max_y else max_y images.append(img_arr) for idx,img in enumerate(images): p_img= Image.fromarray(img).resize((max_y, max_x)) images[idx]=numpy.asarray(p_img) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(gif_path), exist_ok=True) duration = int(1000 * 1/float(fps)) imageio.mimsave(gif_path, images, duration=duration) paths.append({'all':gif_path}) if not is_multi: return paths[0] return paths