Source code for clingraph.clingo_utils

Functions used for the clingo integration
import json
import logging
import jsonschema
from clingo.control import Control
from clingo.script import enable_python
from clingo.symbol import String
from jsonschema import validate
from .orm import Factbase
from .exceptions import InvalidSyntaxJSON, InvalidSyntax

log = logging.getLogger('custom')

[docs]class ClingraphContext: """ Provides avaliable python functions to be used in a visualization encoding passed in the command line via option `--viz-encoding` """
[docs] def pos(self, x,y,scale=1): """ Position in the form of a tuple Args: x (clingo.Symbol.Number): Number for the X coordinate y (clingo.Symbol.Number): Number for the Y coordinate Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) position as a string of form (x,y)! """ scale = float(str(scale).strip('"')) x = float(str(x))*scale y = float(str(y))*scale return String(f"{x},{y}!")
[docs] def concat(self, *args): """ Concatenates the given symbols as a string Args: args: All symbols Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string concatenating all symbols """ return String(''.join([str(x).strip('"') for x in args]))
[docs] def format(self, s, *args): """ Formats the string with the given arguments Args: s (clingo.Symbol.String): The string to format, for example "{0} and {1}" args: All symbols that can be accessed by the position starting in 0 Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string concatenating all symbols """ args_str = [str(v).strip('"') for v in args] return String(s.string.format(*args_str))
[docs] def stringify(self, s, capitalize=False): """ Turns a value into a string without underscore and capitalized if requested Args: s: The value to transform Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string """ val = str(s).strip('"') val = val.replace('_',' ') if capitalize: val = val[0].upper() + val[1:] return String(val)
[docs] def cluster(self, s): """ Returns the cluster name for a graph Args: s: The identifier of the graph Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string with the cluster name """ val = str(s).strip('"') return String("cluster_"+val)
[docs] def html_escape(self, s): """ Will escape the symbols of an HTML-Like label that provoque clashes: &, < and > Args: s (clingo.Symbol): The value that needs the symbols removed Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string with the replacements """ return String( str(s).strip('"') .replace('&', '&amp;') .replace('"', '&quot;') .replace('<', '&lt;') .replace('>', '&gt;'))
[docs] def svg_init(self, property_name, property_value): """ Generates an svg string for the initial state. This string has a format that is handled by clingraph internally in the generation of svg files. This property will be set on the group tag `<g>` used around the elements. Notice that any properties set using the `attr` predicates will not be overwritten. Args: property_name: The name of the css property to set. property_value: The value of the property to set Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string representing the property """ property_name = str(property_name).strip('"') property_value = str(property_value).strip('"') return String(f"init___{property_name}___{property_value} ")
[docs] def svg_color(self): """ Generates an svg string that is used as a placeholder for the color in properties. This string will be mapped into the css variable `currentcolor`. Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string as a color placeholder """ return String("#111111")
[docs] def svg(self, event, element, property_name, property_value): """ Generates an svg string for interactive actions This property will be set on the group tag `<g>` used around the elements. Notice that any properties set using the `attr` predicates will not be overwritten. Args: event: The svg event one of: "click","mouseenter","mouseleave","contextmenu" element: The id on the element in which the action is performed. This element must have the id property set: `attr(node,ID,id,ID):-node(ID).` property_name: The name of the css property to set. property_value: The value of the property to set Returns: (clingo.Symbol.String) The string internal representation of the interaction """ event = str(event).strip('"') element = str(element).strip('"') property_name = str(property_name).strip('"') property_value = str(property_value).strip('"') s=String(f"{event}___{element}___{property_name}___{property_value} ") return s
[docs] def color(self, option, opacity=None): """ Gets the html color code for the different options and the given opacity Args: option: primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger, light opacity: Numeric value indicating the opacity of the color """ option = str(option) opacity = str(opacity) if opacity is not None else None colors = { "primary": "#0052CC", "blue": "#0052CC", "secondary": "#6554C0", "purple": "#6554C0", "success": "#36B37E", "green": "#36B37E", "info": "#B3BAC5", "gray": "#B3BAC5", "warning": "#FFAB00", "yellow": "#FFAB00", "danger": "#FF5630", "red": "#FF5630", "light": "#F4F5F7" } if option not in colors: return String("#000000") hex_color = colors[option] if opacity is not None and opacity.isnumeric(): o = int(opacity) if 0 <= o < 100: hex_color = f"{hex_color}{o:02d}" return String(hex_color)
[docs] def clinguin_fontname(self): """ Gets the font name used in clinguin """ return String("Helvetica Neue")
def __getattr__(self, name): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import __main__ return getattr(__main__, name)
clingo_json_schema = { "type": "object", "required": ["Call","Result"], "properties":{ "Call": { "type" : "array", }, "Result":{ "type": "string", } } }
[docs]def parse_clingo_json(json_str): """ Parses a json string from the output of clingo obtained using the option ``--outf=2``. Expects a SATISFIABLE answer. Args: json_str (str): A string with the json Returns: (`list[str]`) A list with the programs as strings Raises: :py:class:`InvalidSyntax`: if the json format is invalid or is not a SAT result. """ try: j = json.loads(json_str.encode()) validate(instance=j, schema=clingo_json_schema) if j['Result'] == 'UNSATISFIABLE': log.warning("Passing an unsatisfiable instance in the JSON. This wont produce any results") if len(j["Call"]) > 1: log.warning("Calls will multiple theads from clingo are not supported by clingraph") if not "Witnesses" in j["Call"][0]: log.warning("No Witnesses (stable models) in the JSON output, no output will be produced by clingraph") witnesses = [] else: witnesses = j["Call"][0]["Witnesses"] models_prgs = [] for w in witnesses: prg_str = "\n".join([f"{v}." for v in w["Value"]]) models_prgs.append(prg_str) return models_prgs except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise InvalidSyntax('The json can not be read.',str(e)) from None except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e: raise InvalidSyntaxJSON('The json does not have the expected structure. Make sure you used the -outf=2 option in clingo.',str(e)) from None
def _get_json(args, stdin): """ Gets the json from the arguments, in case one is provided """ json_str = None for f in args.files: if ".json" not in return None if json_str is not None: raise ValueError("Only one json file can be provided") json_str = try: prg_list = parse_clingo_json(stdin) if json_str is not None: raise ValueError("Only one json can be provided as input.") return prg_list except InvalidSyntaxJSON as e: raise e from None except InvalidSyntax: if json_str is None: return None try: prg_list = parse_clingo_json(json_str) return prg_list except InvalidSyntaxJSON as e: raise e from None except InvalidSyntax as e: return None SVG_SCRIPT = """ <script> <script type="text/javascript"> var edges = Object.values(document.getElementsByClassName('edge')); var nodes = Object.values(document.getElementsByClassName('node')); var elements = edges.concat(nodes); const events = ["click","mouseenter","mouseleave","contextmenu"]; window.onload=function(){ elements.forEach(elem => { elem.classList.forEach(c => { c_vals = c.split('___') if (c_vals[0] == 'init'){ property = c_vals[1] property_val = c_vals[2][property]=property_val } if (events.includes(c_vals[0])){ elem.classList.add(c_vals[0]+"_"+c_vals[1]) } }) }) elements.forEach(elem => { elem.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => e.preventDefault()); events.forEach(event => { elem.addEventListener(event, function() { console.log(event) local_event = event; class_name = local_event + "_" +; var children = Object.values(document.getElementsByClassName(class_name)); children.forEach(c => { c.classList.forEach(c_elem =>{ c_vals = c_elem.split('___') if (c_vals.length == 4){ if (c_vals[0]==local_event){ if(c_vals[1]{ property = c_vals[2] property_val = c_vals[3][property]=property_val } } } }) }) }) }) }); } </script> </script> </svg> """
[docs]def add_svg_interaction_to_string(s): """ Adds the svg interaction script to string representation of the svg image Args: s [str]: the svg string """ s = s.replace("#111111","currentcolor") s = s[:-8] s+= SVG_SCRIPT return s
[docs]def add_svg_interaction(paths): """ Adds the svg interaction script to a list of svg files defined in the paths. This paths can be the output of the render function. Args: paths [dic | list[dic]]: A dictionary with the paths where the images where saved as values for each graph. Or a list of such dictionaries, each element corresponding to a model. """ for path_dic in paths: if not path_dic: continue for path in path_dic.values(): with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: s = s = add_svg_interaction_to_string(s) with open(path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f: f.write(s)
ADD_IDS_PRG = """ #defined edge/2. #defined edge/1. #defined node/1. #defined node/2. #defined graph/1. #defined graph/2. attr(node,ID,id,ID):-node(ID). attr(node,ID,id,ID):-node(ID,_). attr(edge,ID,id,ID):-edge(ID). attr(edge,ID,id,ID):-edge(ID,_). attr(graph,ID,id,ID):-graph(ID). attr(graph,ID,id,ID):-graph(ID,_). """
[docs]def add_elements_ids(ctl): """ Adds a program to the control that will set the ids of the elements to the id attribute Args: ctl Clingo.Control: The clingo control object that is used """ ctl.add("base",[],ADD_IDS_PRG)
def _get_fbs_from_encoding(args,stdin,prgs_from_json): """ Obtains the factbase by running clingo to compute the stable models of a visualization encoding """ fbs = [] def add_fb_model(m): fbs.append(Factbase.from_model(m, prefix=args.prefix, default_graph=args.default_graph)) cl_args = ["-n1"] if args.seed is not None: cl_args.append(f'--seed={args.seed}') if prgs_from_json is not None: for prg in prgs_from_json: ctl = Control(cl_args) ctl.load( ctl.add("base",[],prg) if args.format == 'svg': add_elements_ids(ctl) ctl.ground([("base", [])],ClingraphContext()) ctl.solve(on_model=add_fb_model) else: ctl = Control(cl_args) ctl.load( ctl.add("base",[],stdin) if args.format == 'svg': add_elements_ids(ctl) for f in args.files: ctl.load( ctl.ground([("base", [])],ClingraphContext()) ctl.solve(on_model=add_fb_model) return fbs